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EU Verordnung 2020/740 > Dateiformat NAN6.1 veröffentlicht

Ab dem 01.05.2021 gilt die EU Verordnung 2020/740. Durch die Erfordernisse der EU  Produktdatenbank (Verordnung EU 2017/1369) mit einem öffentlich zugänglichen Bereich wird die neue Verordnung ein Game Changer. Wir haben alle Strukturen geschaffen um die Anforderungen der Verordnung umzusetzen. Gleichzeitig halten wir zusätzlich die Daten nach 1222/2009 vor. Ein automatischer EPREL Abgleich rundet den Service ab. Im Standard liefern wir die Informationen tyre type identifier, date of start of production und date of end of production mit. Zum Artikel ...

Verfügbare EPREL Reg ID's (Reifen) > 190.000 (12.02.2024)

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  1. Gast

    cartomak Content

    Tires and rims are cutting-edge technology. We are dealing with a countless number of specifications that need to be explained. This is were cartomak content comes in. By querying by the cartomak article number the cartomak content servers will provide all information available for this article in detail. Within the information stream you are free to choose whether, for example, to use profile or manufacturer descriptions too, or only the explanations on the technical specifications. cartomak Content features: Relevant informations displayed over more than 90 columns. Usage and types of vehicles explained. All specifications displayed and, when necessary, conversion provided (for example, Load in kilograms). Relevant informations for safe usage purposes. Description of rubber compounds and profile design. Legal EU-Labeling explained. General tyre test results. Individual rating test results which allow evaluation based on one’s specific priorities. Numeric conversion of speed indexes, as well as comments on load reduction required starting from speed index “V”. Detailed profile descriptions with marketing informations provided by the manufacturer. Available in many European languages.
  2. Gast

    cartomak Tyre Profile Pictures

    A picture is worth more than a thousand words. Basically we deliver quality profile pictures for your tyre&wheel articles, in the format 400px X 400px, with the extension * .jpg for your webshop or ERP System. Linking the picture with an article is not necessary. The name of the profile image file matches the profile name. So the profile finds the profile image file name, and vice versa. This represents a huge time saving and no maintenance required. All images are kept in a ZIP file ready to download. Just unzip and copy to your Web server. How profile pictures can be integrated into your webshop learn here. (If you have no login informations you must register on www.cartomak.com.)
  3. Gast

    cartomak Support

    Our customers in Europe and Australia operate exclusively mission critical web commitments and use SAGE, SAP, Navision and Microtech. Therefore, we are available for you 24 hours a day, with 12 employees, seven days a week. The cartomak Team speaks seven languages fluently and our Support Chat can be simultaneously translated into 142 languages. cartomak developed all applications "in house" - the only guarantee that we can fix “stuff” ourselves and anytime. Our data maintenance is always available online. The status of our Supplier Maintenance (Matching) is constantly kept in a blog. The errors in Article Maintenance are published completely transparent by the Support. Our customers enjoy a first-class service that is included - of course free of charge - as part of the data subscription. (If you have no login informations yet, you must register on cartomak.com.)
  4. Gast

    cartomak Supplier Data

    At cartomak we capture and manage stock information from European wholesalers. In the process, we not only rely on the major industry players but also we link many specialists who are truly unbeatable in their field. We read the positions available in their stock – also the ones without EAN / GTIN / IPC / HSN / MPN – everything, including tubes, flaps and RDKS sensors. The result consists in matching tables containing the information : cartomak article number = supplier article number. That’s the only information we have related to the articles. And we don’t want to know more. We are not interested in the price of the articles. How it works? Our data customers simply import the matching tables in their own ERP System. Precondition: Your supplier must first agree that we transfer it's article numbers to you. Therefore, you must only know the article number of your supplier- nothing else. After that, when you receive a stock-and-price file from your supplier your ERP System will be able to read all data immediately. Your ERP System will recognize your supplier’s article number directly. Absolutely no information from this process will reach cartomak. In this process, the exchange of informations is between you and your supplier only. This means: there will be no transparency, everything will remain confidential between you and your business partners just like in the good old days. Many suppliers avoid providing their stock information to Platforms. As our data customers don’t hold any open b2b system, they are not affected by these restrictions. Our past experience showed us that even the fiercest competitors can make “agreements” and it is amazing what a positive effect can have data exchange on sales growth. For that, we don’t have to “love eachother”. One just have to realize that no one can be Number 1 anymore. Our European market is already too crowded and, just like we learned in physics, “Actio est Reactio”. No one can be Number 1 anymore. The multilateralism is the best long-term strategy to run a business. ERP Systems compatible with our data: Desk Tyreline (www.desk-firm.de) based on www.sage.de. The product Desk Tyreline is able to build up a complete operating platform within your company. It can process up to 2.000 documents every hour, without any problem. Microtech ERP Complete (www.microtech.de), Navision, SAP A list of the suppliers whose article numbers we manage can be found here. (You must login to be able to view the informations. If you have no login user and password you must register on cartomak.com) If interested, please contact us by email.
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