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EU Verordnung 2020/740 und 2023/1115

VERORDNUNG (EU) 2023/1115 über die Bereitstellung bestimmter Rohstoffe und Erzeugnisse, die mit Entwaldung und Waldschädigung in Verbindung stehen, auf dem Unionsmarkt und ihre Ausfuhr aus der Union. In Kurzform genannt EUDR.
In Verbindung mit der EU Verordnung 2020/740 werden die Anforderungen an unsere Branche nochmals verschärft. Jeder Marktteilnehmer sollte die Anforderungen kennen. Ab dem 30.12.2024  geht es los. Insbesondere Kapitel 1, Artikel 4 und 5 sind spannend mit allen Konsequenzen die dahinter stecken.

  • cartomak data upgrades every Webshop and any ERP system to an European platform. The improvement of data exchange with your suppliers, on your own systems, without the disclosure of information to third parties - that is our business.
    No fees - no commissions. You are alone with your suppliers.

    Our customers use desk tyreline, Microtech ERP complete, SAP and Navision.

  • cartomak Content

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    Tires and rims are cutting-edge technology. We are dealing with a countless number of specifications that need to be explained. This is were cartomak content comes in.
    By querying by the cartomak article number the cartomak content servers will provide all information available for this article in detail.
    Within the information stream you are free to choose whether, for example, to use profile or manufacturer descriptions too, or only the explanations on the technical specifications.

    cartomak Content features:

    • Relevant informations displayed over more than 90 columns.
    • Usage and types of vehicles explained.
    • All specifications displayed and, when necessary,  conversion provided (for example, Load in kilograms).
    • Relevant informations for safe usage purposes.
    • Description of rubber compounds and profile design.
    • Legal EU-Labeling explained.
    • General tyre test results.
    • Individual rating test results which allow evaluation based on one’s specific priorities.
    • Numeric conversion of speed indexes, as well as comments on load reduction required starting from speed index “V”.
    • Detailed profile descriptions with marketing informations provided by the manufacturer.
    • Available in many European languages.

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