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EU regulation 2020/740, 2023/1115 and 2023/988

REGULATION (EU) 2023/1115 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 31 May 2023 on the making available on the Union market and the export from the Union of certain commodities and products associated with deforestation and forest degradation > EUDR. In conjunction with EU Regulation 2020/740, the requirements for our industry have been tightened even further. Every market participant should be aware of the requirements. It starts on 30.12.2025. Chapter 1, Articles 4 and 5 in particular are exciting with all the consequences behind.
From 13 December 2024, the requirements of EU Regulation 2023/988 must be met. Exciting tasks here too, such as a product image.

Master file version NAN7.0 contains all fields to fulfil the EU regulations 2020/740, 2023/1115 and 2023/988.

  • cartomak data upgrades every Webshop and any ERP system to an European platform. The improvement of data exchange with your suppliers, on your own systems, without the disclosure of information to third parties - that is our business.
    No fees - no commissions. You are alone with your suppliers.

    Our customers use desk tyreline, Microtech ERP complete, SAP and Navision.

  • cartomak Supplier Data

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    At cartomak we capture and manage stock information from European wholesalers. In the process, we not only rely on the major industry players but also we link many specialists who are truly unbeatable in their field. We read the positions available in their stock  – also the ones without EAN / GTIN / IPC / HSN / MPN – everything, including tubes, flaps and RDKS sensors.

    The result consists in matching tables containing the information : cartomak article number = supplier article number.
    That’s the only information we have related to the articles. And we don’t want to know more. We are not interested in the price of the articles.

    How it works?

    Our data customers simply import the matching tables in their own ERP System.
    Precondition: Your supplier must first agree that we transfer it's article numbers to you.

    Therefore, you must only know the article number of your supplier- nothing else. After that, when you receive a stock-and-price file from your supplier your ERP System will be able to read all data immediately. Your ERP System will recognize your supplier’s article number directly. Absolutely no information from this process will reach cartomak.  In this process, the exchange of informations is between you and your supplier only.

    This means: there will be no transparency, everything will remain confidential between you and your business partners just like in the good old days.

    Many suppliers avoid providing their stock information to Platforms. As our data customers don’t hold any open b2b system, they are not affected by these restrictions. Our past experience showed us that even the fiercest competitors can make “agreements” and it is amazing what a positive effect can have data exchange on sales growth. For that, we don’t have to “love eachother”.  One just have to realize that no one can be Number 1 anymore. Our European market is already too crowded and, just like we learned in physics,  “Actio est Reactio”. No one can be Number 1 anymore.

    The multilateralism is the best long-term strategy to run a business.

    ERP Systems compatible with our data:
    Desk Tyreline (www.desk-firm.de) based on www.sage.de. The product Desk Tyreline is able to build up a complete operating platform within your company. It can process up to 2.000 documents every hour, without any problem.
    Microtech ERP Complete (www.microtech.de), Navision, SAP

    A list of the suppliers whose article numbers we manage can be found here.
    (You must login to be able to view the informations. If you have no login user and password you must register on cartomak.com)


    If interested, please contact us by email.

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